Course Exercises

What I Learned:

HTML is the code that provides the core structure and content of a webpage. HTML is transferred between clients and servers through networks using an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) request. HTTP requests are part of the "request and response" system that clients use for data exchange.

CSS is the main code that affects the appearance of a webpage. CSS can change the colors, spacing, sizing, etc. of elements in a webpage; It does so by referencing HTML elements by their tag, ID, and class, and applying specified properties and values to them.

RWD allows webpages to be displayed properly on different screens and devices using CSS code. Flex Box and Grid Layout are two ways of building a webpage to be fluid and conform to the size of the user's device screen. Media Queries are defined in the CSS code to determine how to display the webpage when it is viewed on a certain "viewport"; The page will adjust accordingly for proper display.